2020 Bean Varieties
Here are a few of the bean seeds that we are excited to be growing out in our seed garden for 2021! We learned in our seed giveaway this spring that folks are very interested in fresh snap beans so we will be growing more this season.
Tanya's Pink — Bush Bean (snap, dry)
Phaseolus vulgaris
Truly a remarkable bean in growing habit, taste, and appearance. Large 6” flat and wonderfully tasty fresh pods of a uniquely beautiful iridescent pink color that reminds us quite a bit of magenta spreen. The bushy plants are very productive over a long period. You need not fret if you miss the fresh eating stage as they also make a tasty cooked dry bean.
Musica — Pole Bean (snap)
Phaseolus vulgaris
Early and productive Romano style pole bean that is both juicy and sweet with wonderful crunchy texture. Broad, flat, 7 - 9-inch-long pods have unsurpassed rich flavor. Bred originally for European home gardeners, Musica’s vigorous, robust vines climb quickly and effortlessly and produce heavily.
Trionfo Violetto — Pole Bean (snap)
Phaseolus vulgaris
Translates to "purple triumph". This italian heirloom produces thin, crisp, flavorful purple pods. Highly ornamental, plants climb 6'–8', and have abundant lavender flowers that bloom against lush green leaves with purple veins and stems. Plan to be harvesting beans until late summer. Like other purple beans, the pods magically turn green when cooked!
Haudenosaunee Skunk — Pole Bean (dry)
Phaseolus vulgaris
Grown in the Finger Lakes of New York for centuries by the Haudenosaunee Iroquois. Does well in shorter seasons and is a good choice for a three sisters garden. Vigorous climber — can top an 8’ trellis — and very productive.
Papa de Rola — Pole Bean (snap, dry)
Phaseolus vulgaris
Also called Dove's Breast, this heirloom comes from Portugal. Plump, oval beans are half white and half beige, streaked with red. An excellent soup bean with good flavor. Also makes a fantastic green bean.
Eye of the Goat — Pole Bean (snap, shelly, dry)
Phaseolus vulgaris
The lengthwise brown stripes that some of the seeds exhibit are certainly reminiscent of the vertical pupil of a goat’s eye. There are a number of native varieties of this name. A favorite variety in Baja California and northern Mexico, this unusual bean cooks up firm and sweet and keeps its rich color.